Sunday, December 6, 2009

A troubleshooting help

I read a comment from someone who said that it didn't work for them to name it "Directory.csv". Instead, the named it to "Directory" and it worked.

So, this is definitely true if Windows is hiding your extensions from you. This is actually the default setting in Windows, if it knows what an extension is, it hides it. So, when you think you are naming a file "Directory.csv" it is actually naming it "Directory.csv.csv"

So, if you are struggling, try naming it "Directory"

Also, props to Ron for the tip!


  1. I have a Droid and have not figured out how to save a file from the church web site. There is no way to name a file when down loading from this site. I can select csv file but there is no opportunity to name a file. Help!

  2. Wade: That has more to do with the default settings on your browser and less to do with the website. Don't worry about naming it as it comes down, just find where you are saving it to and rename it there.

  3. I got it to work this way. Whew. Also, for Wade, I downloaded the .csv from the Web on my laptop and then dragged and dropped it onto the SD card. I don't think the phone will let you download the .csv from the Web, at least mine wouldn't.

  4. I downloaded the .csv onto the pc then dragged to the phone but wardroster won't open it. I opened it in excel and added the entire stakes info, leaving only one line on the top w/ the name/add/ column. Does excel make the .csv unusable by this app?

    Also I see a family and individual folders inside the wardroster folder. I'm just supposed to be putting the Directory.csv in the parent folder right?

  5. OK so I think this is fabulous, just wondered if there was anyway to put like...the entire stake into the roster? I couldn't figure out how to merge more than one ward and name it Directory.csv. Any ideas?


    It's definitely something I am planning on.

    As far as a merge goes, I don't see why it wouldn't work. The app would treat it like one big ward.

  7. I just received a csv file from our Ward Clerk and it will not work. It appears to be in the new format that splits the households into individual people so that we can keep track of the information each person. When I download the file from the Ward website it works fine. Do I need to prep the new formatted file in some way or is this going to be addressed in a new release?

  8. Rick,

    Unless your clerk gave you a partial file, it should work without any modifications using the latest version of MLS. I'm also assuming you have the latest version of Ward Roster.

    Also, be sure to name the CSV file Membership.csv.

    The first line of the CSV file should look like this:

    "Indiv ID","Full Name","Preferred Name","MRN","HofH ID","HH Position","HH Order","Household Phone","Individual Phone","Household E-mail","Individual E-mail","Street 1","Street 2","D/P","City","Postal","State/Prov","Country","2-Street 1","2-Street 2","2-D/P","2-City","2-Zip","2-State/Prov","2-Country","Ward Geo Code","Stake Geo Code","Sex","Birth","Baptized","Confirmed","Endowed","Rec Exp","Priesthood","Mission","Married","Spouse Member","Sealed to Spouse","Sealed to Prior",

  9. Help. I have a Droid and installed the ward roster app. I then downloaded the ward membership list and saved it as "directory.csv". I put it in the parent directory of ward roster and nothing happens when I launch the app.
    I did notice that the first line of the csv is nothing like what you say it should be but it came off of
    Mine reads: "familyname","phone","addr1","addr2","addr3","addr4","name1","name2","name3","name4".

    Any ideas??
